
Friday 28 August 2009

Happy Dayses.

This has been a couple of days of simple pleasures.. which are the best kind of pleasures, as they're the easiest to come by. First off, a beautiful flower bed. I don't know where the sunflower came from.. it's hardly the councils usual flower of choice. I can only assume it's a matter of guerrila gardening by the residents of the street in question. I'll go back that way again on Sunday, and take another picture. Hopefully it'll be flowering then. The colours in the flower bed are fabulous, even without that, and they're all pompom flowers of various descriptions, and I love pompom flowers.

Simple Pleasure number 2. Veg box arrived on Thursday, and it was full of the type of goodies I like. Carrots (taste SO much better organic.. one of the few things that truely does), Broccoli, runner beans, salad mix, red peppers, onions, spudatoes.. yeah, think that's it. Oh, no. A pointed cabbage. That's it. The carrots and broccoli got ate on Thursday with faggots.. still got the rest of it, bar one onion. Oh, and I had some salad today for lunch.

Final thing for now, I got my first ever Boden catalogue in the post, and OH! It's beautiful! I'd never had a real look at Boden before.. and now I want it all.. ALL! There is nothing in here I don't want to own. Part of me wishes I hadn't bothered, I have enough problems resisting Joules, without adding this into the equation. But.. daydreaming is a fabulous occupation, and dreaming of Boden is a good way to spend time.
OK, so it wasn't quite the final thing.. I had fun shopping in Sainsburys and Homebase today.. pictures will follow. I bought some fabulous things today, oh yes indeedy I did!

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