
Thursday 31 December 2009

A 2009 Review

I'm feeling nostalgic for the year just past (well, almost) and I feel the need for a brief review. Some of these pictures havn't been seen on here before, but I still think I should share them.


I have almost no pictures from last January, and certainly no properly attractive ones. That's a good start to my annual review! The best I could find was this one of Nigella Lawsons chocolate fruit cake. There are a couple from Pantomime, but they're not flattering of the people in question, and I wish to avoid the repercussions!


February brought the snow, made our feet and fingers glow. The day before the snow came in we went to Snowdrop Valley, near Wheddon Cross on Exmoor.

Lots of pretty snowdrops, and I think they're the native variety. There were the very first flakes of snow blowing in the wind. Snowdrop Valley is only open for one month - this year it's from the 30th January, til 28th February. Visit here for more information.. it's beautiful, and if you're in the area, I'd recommend it!

That night (or possibly the night after) we got our first PROPER snowfall that I'd ever seen. At midnight, or thereabouts, we built our snowman. The next morning....

we had a reasonable amount of snow! That was possibly the most exciting thing I'd ever seen.


March was a lovely month. We went on holiday!

How many March days have there been where one can eat a civilised breakfast on the patio? Not that many, I'll bet! The weather was unbelievably good. A perfect spring. You can tell it's March, the daffodils are in the hedge, and the hedge isn't green yet. A few more fabulous pictures from our Dorset holiday (please indulge me, this is one of my favourite parts of 2009)

Skies like that in March? Doesn't happen every year.


April we started National Trusting on a regular basis, we went to Knightshayes and Killerton.

Mostly photographed flowers, but one random arty shot of Dad in there for good measure. Not much else happened in April, that I can remember.. there must have been something, but I can't remember what!


In May, we went to Dunster Castle, and Blue Anchor, and several of my friends starred in a production of My Fair Lady.. this will be so much easier after I get to a point where I was blogging, and I have a point of reference. At this moment, I have no idea what else happened in May..


A far more interesting month! Lots happened in June.. firstly was My Dads 60th birthday. He wanted to go to Stourhead in Wiltshire, so that's where we went. Stourhead is beautiful, one of my favourite places.

A beautiful view across the lake.Umm.. A leaf.. I think it's copper beach, but it's so beautifully lit, and pink. Another view, of a different folly.. there are many.

And Dad, cutting his birthday cake. Date and walnut, if you're interested. Not a spectacular cake, especially for a 60th, but it's what he wanted.

Next thing that happened in June was my tax rebate. £1,500 of tax, returned to me. Part of that money paid for us to go away for a night to Cornwall. We stayed in Padstow, but went to Boscastle first, as I'd never been down to the harbour, and I wanted to see it. It's beautiful. The water really was that blue.

Now for two shots from Knightshayes, when we went back.


In July we did quite a lot of Pick Your Own-ing. We picked raspberries, blackcurrants, gooseberries and strawberries. I made strawberry jam for the first time, which we're still eating now.

I doubt Mum will thank me for that.. never mind. It's one of very few pictures I have from July!

Time for a new post I think, for August onwards.

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Crumbs, how long has it been since I've posted!? Dear, Oh Dear! Losing my camera was what did it I think. It did turn up, but I was out of the habit by then.. excuses all, but it makes me feel better.

Have you had a lovely Christmas? Me too, very quiet and with its ups and downs. I never did half of what I intended to, but hey! It all goes back on the list for next year. I WILL make mince pies, probably halfway through January. The house is so utterly overstuffed with calories right now that it really doesn't need any more.

Anyhow, would you like to see some pictures? They are the lifeblood on which blogging is based. Lessee now, what have I got..
This one was taken on my Birthday, back in mid November. We went for a walk at Watersmeet, near Lynmouth.. it was extremely cold.

I'm afraid this is pure vanity.. I LOVE this picture, but I shall excuse it on the grounds of my scarf. I made that scarf, so I did. It's about the only project I've ever actually completed, and so I'm very proud. I should wear it more, it actually looks OK. From a distance. Just don't look too closely.

Ooh! Minor excitement from this day, we saw a heron! I do have photographic evidence, but it's not a good looking photo, so won't share it. The other thing that happened was I pulled a groin muscle straddling a ruddy huge log! More of a horizontal tree, really.

What else? oh yes, a little diversion of colour.. sort of.

Yep, a rainbow of shower gel. It's hardly beautiful flowers or stunning craft-age, but it amused me at the time that we have the entire colour spectrum of Original Source.

I have taken almost no Christmas photos I'm afraid, so have no festiveness to share.. they're all a bit boring, and have done zilch crafting. I did mean to photograph the Christmas cake, because that looked pretty darn snazzy, but I didn't get there in time, and it got hacked. It does taste good though. The other thing is, I've been spending a lot of my time lately Going Out. I'm afraid I've been lightly bitten by the clubbing bug. Never thought I would be, but it is so very good.. doesn't make for such good blogging though.

I still havn't done anything with that nice wool I bought months ago. Am too scared I'll muck it up. Nor have I actually done anything about learning embroidery. I've got the book, but nothing else.. I promise I will, and you'll know when I do.

Right.. I need to hoover the floor again. The christmas tree is shedding effectively.. Lovage! x