
Friday 12 February 2010


I have a weekend off work. :-O

This is unheard of, and I sit here on the Friday evening giddily contemplating the three (YES, THREE!) days ahead of me. I have time to do many fabulous things.. tomorrow (Saturday) I have to do a little shopping, a little card making and attend a party in the evening. Sunday I plan to visit Snowdrop Valley, as we did last year and we're going out for lunch.. I will not be hungover. I've decided. Monday is going to be a day of blissful domesticity.. I hope, with much baking and crafty-ness to be undertaken.

On the subject of craftiness, I have a CUTTLEBUG! Those of a paper-crafting persuasion may well understand my excitement at this.. as yet I don't have enough dies to make it properly fabulous, but this is something to work on. :)

We need a photo now.. what've I got..

Something to make me think of the summer to come.. I am so looking forward to Summer! I'm one of those people who is always looking forward to the season to come, never enjoying the one we've got. There's not a great deal to enjoy outdoors right now. It's cold, and largely grey. Hopefully I can find some things to enjoy on Sunday. Pip Pip! xx

Saturday 6 February 2010

Oh, Bother.

Hmm.. I havn't quite managed to keep as up to date with posting as I intended. It always seems that other things happen, and I never have much interesting to say. Ho Hum.

Pantomime has been and gone, and it was F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S!!! I havn't had that much fun in a very long time, and I don't want to wait another year until the next one.. which is why I'll be back on stage in May, all being well for a production of High Society. I'll probably be in the chorus. Since the week of Panto I have acquired the Mother of all colds, coupled with a minor chest infection.. so tomorrows auditions could be a little interesting :S

Right.. we need a photo. Let's have a lookee..

Ahh, yes. Someone suggested posting the view from the kitchen window. As we don't have a window per se, this is taken from the back door. Yep, we have a building site literally on the other side of the fence. It will eventually be our towns new Medical Centre. Joyousness on all fronts. At least the tree is safe. And yes, our garden is very scruffy. :)

No crafting has happened lately, except I made coconut macaroons. They were yummy, and blue! But they didn't get photographed.. I shall photograph something more picturesque soon. Promise. And I'll tell you about it.