
Saturday 19 September 2009

My Fabulous Parcel.

I've got a parcel. It's a very beautiful and welcome parcel.

For starters, I am very fond of brown paper, and the handwriting is beautiful. I'm afraid I've blanked that.. don't really want my name and address (or that of my sender) out there on the World Wide Web!

It's a blog give-away winners parcel, no less!

I won a givaway over at Surfer Rosa on Tuesday, and my parcel arrived today. It brought much excitement with it, when my parents bought it with them to pick me up from work. The above picture was taken in the car, as I very first saw it! BTW, do you like the dress? Is one of my favourite Charity Shop finds.

I got my parcel home, and tore into it with abandon.

Beautiful wrapping paper, and a generally exciting mystery. I knew one parcel contained a crocheted cake (a cherry bakewell) but the rest was a surprise! A very welcome one.

My cake is in the middle, looking very cute. I also have some pins, to complement it, some sewing needles - how did you know I needed some? Some cake cases, which are the same as some I have previously oggled, a bar of Green & Blacks (never wrong) and, possibly my favourite, a litle stitched heart in what looks like a Cath Kidston fabric. I'm going to put some lavender oil on this and hang it by my bed.

I must confess, the chocolate was gone within an hour or two. I did share it! But not much..

The pins now decorate my cake, and look very very fetching! Like hundreds & thousands.

I LOVE my parcel. I'm going to make fairy cakes tomorrow to celebrate the loveliness. Thank you SO much Louise.. it's made my weekend, if not my week. Far better than any retail therapy. It's all so perfectly ME.

Moving on, I finished a very good book today, and I would reccomend it to all. Life Of Pi is a thought provoking novel that's well worth the thought. I picked my copy up at my fave charity shop. If you see it, grab it.

Thats all for tonight, is past my bedtime. TTFN. x


Christina Lowry said...

I love getting parcels like this and opening all the little suprise packages! What a wonderful parcel this one is. Love the pin cushion. It is gorgeous, especially with the pins! :)

Louise said...

Aww thanks for the lovely write up. I'm so glad you're pleased with it all. I'm quite new to crafting so glad my items don't look too dodgy on your photos!!
I've won two delightful giveaways and got such a thrill from them!

...Nina Nixon... said...

'Wow' what a lovely win and all those goodies though I don't think I would of shared the chocolate - not even a little!

Nina x

The sewing room said...

What lovely presents you recieved l love the pincushion it looks good enoughb to eat . Enjoy the rest of your weekend hugs Pat