
Tuesday 27 October 2009

A Minor Pothole On The Road To Progress

(with Thanks to Mr Terry Pratchett for the quote)

I have misplaced my camera, which is a decided pain in my attempt to actually photograph blogable stuffs.

It means that once again today I will be sharing an image from the past. Today, an image from last Christmas.

It's my Smudge-mog. Smudge is her proper name, but she is more commonly known as Smog (due to being thick and grey). Please excuse the vast amounts of mess and horribleness in the background, this looks to have been taken in the middle of a tidy-up. That green thing is the broom, if nothing else! Oh, and Smudge is every bit as evil and superior as she looks.

On the other hand, my basket does look quite splendid, particularly with its tinsel trim. I'll do that again this year, I think. I do sometimes take my basket shopping in town, particularly when I'm buying lots of veggies. They look so rustic and fabulous in there!

This choice of photo is a symptom of my obsession with Christmas. I'm getting far too excited, far too early. I think it comes from working in retail, particularly as I work quite a lot with toys. The Ideal Home Complete Guide To Christmas is feeding my obsession, as is the knowledge that Country Homes and Interiors Christmas Issue is out on Thursday!! *Eee!*

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